1- Get the closest book, go to page 18 and write the 4th line down.
Hmm... No physical books around... Let me get the closest e-book I can find… “And stop emailing me, Holly keeps asking who I’m writing to.” From Meg Cabot’s ‘Every boy’s got one’…

2- What’s the last thing you’ve watched on TV ?
“Dhee 4”- A dance show in telugu channel (E tv)…

3- Without checking, guess what time it is ?
11:40AM(Hmm... not a bad Guess)
4- Check, it is…

5- Outside of the computer noise, what do you hear ?
My team mates discussing about our project… I hate discussions always… I used to hate discussions after exam in college as well…
6- When you got out the last time, what did you do ?
Went to a take away restaurant to get food with my hubby…
7- What are you wearing ?
A formal mix and match outfit along with a shawl to prevent shivering in this too cold AC…
8- Before answering this questionnaire, what were you watching ?
I was watching my FB updates…
9- Did you dream last night ?
Yesterday night no dreams at all as I was dying to sleep… But had a Dracula range dream the previous night… But as in all my dreams, I won at the end…
10- When is the last time you laughed till you cried ?
A week ago when my uncle and dad played pranks on each other… (My grandpa wants to take me and my hubby to a relative where my dad don’t wanna come to… Dad asked uncle a suggestion to escape that… Uncle told that ‘one should have their own plans’ and not to involve him as he is also not willing to come… My grandpa asked dad to get the car and take us to relatives house… My dad escaped saying that he was sleepy and my uncle would take us instead… He he… Poor uncle… Should see his shocked face with my dad’s response…)
11- What is on the walls of the room you’re in ?
Nothing except a dull painted wall with glass windows and doors… Office building are always boring…
12- Did you see something strange today ?
Oh… I have seen a girl just resembling a Vampire with frizzy hair left free covering half of her face… Sharp and dark eyes… Defined and high prominent cheek bone… A face with no smile but a bit interesting…
13- What do you think of this questionnaire ?
Time pass and good break from work…
14- What’s the last movie you watched ?
Maryada ramanna…

15- Should you be multimillionnaire, what’s the first thing you would buy ?
A beautiful farm house (small duplex house surrounded by big garden, a small pond and few pets like peacock) but in center of the city…
16- Tell us something about you we don’t already know :
Hmm… I am selfish when it comes to love…
17- If you could change something in the world outside of culpability and politics, what would you change ?
May be I will try with its shape… ;) How would square earth be?? Or a triangle?? Ha ha…

18- Do you like to dance ?
Love to… But not when everyone is watching… :P
19- What would be your daughter’s name ?
20- And your son’s ?
Hmm… Not thought of…
21- Did you ever think of living abroad ?
22- What would you want God to tell you when you’ll go through heaven’s gates ?
Welcome and from now you can live just for you…
23- Who are the 4 next victims for this questionnaire ?
Hmm… Volunteer yourself to be next victim… Post it on your blog or in comments…